Monitors and Independent Counsel can help your firm demonstrate to prosecutors and regulators that the information you are providing has been gathered in the most independent way possible. Tendy Law will assist you in answering your questions, subpoena response, compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and address unethical or illegal conduct. An independent monitor can make the difference in regaining regulators and law enforcement’s trust both during and after a troubling occurrence.
Noteworthy Matters
- Part of the three-person court appointed team advising the Receiver in Liquidation for the J. Ezra Merkin funds. Worked as part of the escrow agency team to distribute over $ 1 billion and manage all operations.
- Special Counsel for the Trustee in Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court and Counsel for the Trustee in a related District Court litigation regarding an investigation into the Foreign Exchange Trading Platform of a large regional bank.
- Part of a two-person independent monitor team at the request of the United States Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C. to oversee the independence of an investigation in twenty-three countries, into a large global financial institution accused of significant OFAC violations.